Deploy a docker registry, with portus, and clair

I recently wrote an article on how to deploy a secure registry on a kubernetes cluster, at this time I knew PortUs but I thought it was not enough ready for production.

Deploy a docker registry on bare metal (debian) kubernetes

I previously installed a Kubernetes cluster on 3 “bare metal” debian machines (VPS OVH). Now I would like to be able to deploy some applications on this cluster, but in order to do that I will need to use a docker registry, public, secured and protected.

Debian Install Node.JS globally with NVM

Recently I had to install Node.JS on a server and allow all users to be able to use it.

Git server using gitblit on debian squeeze

Yesterday, one of my friend told me about GitBlit for managing Git repositories, and users, I’ve tried it today, and I really like this product, so I write this post … It will allow me to install a git server using gitblit on debian squeeze.