This page will explain how to build a docker image of a Node.Js application, that uses a private dependency stored in Azure Devops Artifact Npm Registry.
Recently I was looking for a way to delete a specific message from a RabbitMQ. After reading some threads online How to selectively delete messages from an AMQP (RabbitMQ) queue?, How to remove specific message from queue in rabbitmq, RabbitMQ: Is it possible to remove a message…
Demain, dimanche 29 Mars 2020, nous devons (avec ma femme thaïlandaise) prendre un vol pour Paris afin de rentrer chez nous à Bordeaux.
En ces temps de télé travail pour tous, je vais essayer dans ce billet de vous partager mon expérience en la matière. Certains d’entre vous le savent déjà, mais depuis près de 5 ans je partage ma vie entre la Thaïlande et la France, d’ailleurs j’écris ce billet depuis une…
We, on the team realized that we did not read the documentation of Node Events that says that listeners of events are called synchronously :
I recently wrote an article on how to deploy a secure registry on a kubernetes cluster, at this time I knew PortUs but I thought it was not enough ready for production.
I will describe how to setup SSO for Workplace (by Facebook) with Keycloak as Identity provider.
I previously installed a Kubernetes cluster on 3 “bare metal” debian machines (VPS OVH). Now I would like to be able to deploy some applications on this cluster, but in order to do that I will need to use a docker registry, public, secured and protected.
In this article I will explain how to reset project structure in IntelliJ when its stop displaying folder structure.
This step by step tutorial on how to install RHEL 7 as a VirtualBox image on a MacOs.
Since some months now I’m a kind of digital nomad, and working remotly from Cafés, Train stations, Airports or CoWorking spaces. And often I need to “secure” a little bit my connections.
In this blog post I will explain how I configured my Jenkins (running in a docker container) to be able to clone and push on a private Gitlab git repository.
Recently I had to publish multiple application on a single machine and all applications will be publicly available on their own domains names.
Some times ago (I don’t really remember when), working on a Node.Js project, I realised something about require …
Recently I had to install Node.JS on a server and allow all users to be able to use it.
Recently, on a project I had to document an API using[Swagger], as an authentication mechanism, the API, is using JWT.
Recently I wanted to create a Centos 7 Virtual machine on my Macbook Air (OS El Capitain – 10.11.3), as usual I downloaded an Iso from the net (The minimal Centos 7 Iso Installation).
In this blog post I will explain how to create and use Events in Node.Js The main purpose is to demonstrate the following :
Hier j’ai eu la mauvaise idée d’activer le mode Ultra économie d’énergie sur mon nouveau téléphone Samsung Galaxy S7, et ce pour économiser un peu de batterie.Samsung
Cet article présente l’installation et la configuration d’un serveur DNS.
I wrote my last blog post about my first thoughts on AsciiDoc, in AsciiDoc. So when I have finished to write I wanted to post the article on my Blog. I have to confess that I thought there was a Worpdress plugin for writing in AsciiDoc.
With AsciiDoc, you can insert a part of a document in an another by « tagging » the section you want to « export » in the included file.
In this article we will describe how to manage bower dependencies with Grunt in your html file.
Yesterday I was at Devoxx France and I’ve seen a talk about AsciiDoc (and AsciiDoctor).
In this example, I will present you how to use HTML5 storage.
A little JavaScript Quizz, to show some languages subtleties …
Un article pour présenter les principes du code SOLID.
When I went to DevoXX France, everyone was talking about Cloud Services, like Cloudbees or Heroku. I didn’t looked before at those services, but I was able to do it last week !
Yesterday, one of my friend told me about GitBlit for managing Git repositories, and users, I’ve tried it today, and I really like this product, so I write this post … It will allow me to install a git server using gitblit on debian squeeze.
This little jQuery loader plugin is used to add a loading popup. This could be usefull for ajax calls, and it’s really simple to use !.
Just a little jQuery plugin to post datas with javascript, technically, this plugin add a hidden form in the page, all form fields are hidden, and then submit this form.
Il a pu vous arriver de télécharger une version de Firefox et/ou de Thunderbird en anglais par exemple, et plutôt que de re-télécharger une version française, pourquoi ne pas simplement changer la langue de firefox ou de votre Thunderbird ?